
about LaVita

LaVita - The micronutrient concentrate

The best of nature

  • Holistic concept.
  • Scientifically sound.
  • Delicious & simple.

Everything inside. All good.
LaVita combines over 70 natural ingredients and all the important vitamins and trace elements in one product - great tasting, scientifically based, for the whole family and easy to integrate into everyday life.

70 natural ingredients
LaVita is prepared with many fresh and natural ingredients that are processed so gently that the product always remains "alive". LaVita contains over 70 varieties of ripe fruit, colourful vegetables, high-quality herbs and vegetable oils.

Scientifically dosed micronutrients
The natural ingredients are supplemented with valuable vitamins and trace elements - in scientifically proven doses.

Holistic concept
LaVita provides us with all the important vitamins and trace elements and thus optimises the daily supply of micronutrients across the board - so we can avoid imbalances.

The best role model: nature
Micronutrients work best hand in hand; they often need and complement each other. In nature, they usually occur together with secondary plant substances. This is also the basis of the LaVita concept.

Bioavailability scientifically confirmed
An internationally published study has proven that the many ingredients in LaVita reach the body's cells. All measured vitamin levels in the blood increased significantly with daily use of LaVita.



LaVita GmbH
Ziegelfeldstrasse 10
84036 Kumhausen
Tel. 0871 972 170
