NLP training for alternative practitioners

about NLP training for alternative practitioners

Have you ever wondered how much the language you use as a naturopath influences the healing process of your patients?
Would you like to learn how you can not only gain the trust of your patients through targeted communication, but also alleviate their fears and boost their confidence?
These valuable tools can help them to significantly expand their therapeutic skills and establish an even deeper connection with their patients.
Language is far more than just a means of conveying information.
It shapes our thoughts, influences our emotions and can even affect our physical health.
As a non-medical practitioner, you have the unique opportunity to use the healing power of words to bring about positive changes in your patients. In my courses, I show you how you can gain the trust of your patients through conscious and effective communication and actively support their healing process.
The training NLP techniques for alternative practitioners is certified according to the guidelines for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of the
Umbrella organisation of German alternative practitioner associations (DDH)


NLP training for alternative practitioners
Nico Pirner
Leipziger Platz. 1
90491 Nuremberg
Tel. 01722960300


