IQHP - who we are

Initiative for quality assurance in the alternative practitioner profession  

The IQHP is an initiative of the alternative practitioner professional associations BDN e.V. and BDHN e.V. for quality assurance in the alternative practitioner profession and stands for for dialogue between all alternative practitioners, professional associations and specialist societies in Germany.
The IQHP is of the opinion that the alternative practitioner profession fulfils the requirements as a valuable service provider for its work in the interests of patients.
The main concern of the IQHP is the introduction of training regulations with the central involvement and responsibility of the professional and specialist associations actively involved in the training of alternative practitioners within the legal framework of the Heilpraktiker Act and the implementing ordinance.
To achieve this goal, the IQHP has documented proposals for the introduction of regulated training for alternative practitioners with the necessary professional quality measures (internal catalogue of guidelines) and submitted them to the responsible health policy makers. 
The IQHP is of the opinion that the alternative practitioner profession in Germany is currently excellently represented by the existing professional associations and specialist societies.
